corpus docs

Add the Chatbot Widget to your website

Install the widget on your website and have visitors interacting with your widget in no time

Adding the Corpus Widget to your website couldn't be easier.

Simple installation

To display the widget on your website, log into your account, select your Chatbot, and head over to Widget → Install, where you will see a code similar to the one here. Copy and paste the following code snippet before the closing tag on each page where you'd like the widget to be visible to site visitors.

!function(n,c){var t=n.Corpus||function(){var n=arguments;try{t[n[0]](n)}catch(n){}};t.i=!1,t.js=function(n,t){var o=c.createElement("script"),n=(o.type="text/javascript",o.async=!0,o.src=n,c.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]);n.parentNode.insertBefore(o,n),o.onload=t||function(){}},t.load=function(n){[1],t.i||t.js("https:/"+n[1],function(){t.i=!0})},window.Corpus=t}(window,document);

// initialize

* Replace XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX with your Chatbot ID.

Installing on other platforms

Still have questions? Contact us.